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"I have never worked with another company that provides personalized service the way that FundFive does."
-Michelle, Fayetteville Technical Community College
We Deliver Modern Solutions
When we first imagined FundFive, we set out to grow a business with one goal in mind: to bring easy-to-use tools to Higher Education that provide indispensable value. What drives FundFive is a certainty that we can deliver solutions that are simple to implement and enjoyable to use, placing the end-user experience at the center of our design approach.
We Believe in Early Value
Many institutions are still dealing with pandemic-induced challenges, clamoring for more transparency about enrollment levels and impact on the budget.
We also understand that buying a new service is not an ideal use of time in tight financial times.
Even with the challenges that face all higher ed institutions, you can experience positive change today. Our Early Value Program allows your institution to begin working with FundFive without purchasing a subscription. While you evaluate our solutions, we will work with your team to fully implement our solution(s) to ensure that we make a good fit for the college.
Why FundFive?
We have been working with colleges and universities for nearly two decades, and during that time, we have met thousands of great people who champion excellent ideas about how to better the business of their institutions. Often, however, these same individuals lack the necessary tools to bring their ideas to fruition and enact change.